
Published & Forthcoming Papers

Garrett A. Johnson (2024) Economic research on privacy regulation: Lessons from the GDPR and beyond in The Economics of Privacy, ed. Avi Goldfarb & Catherine Tucker. University of Chicago Press.

Samuel G. Goldberg, Garrett A. Johnson, and Scott K. Shriver (2024) “Regulating Privacy Online: An Economic Evaluation of the GDPRAmerican Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 16(1): 325-58.

Garrett A. Johnson, Scott K. Shriver, and Samuel G. Goldberg (2023) Privacy & market concentration: Intended & unintended consequences of the GDPR Management Science, 69(10): 5695-5721. [Lead Article]

Garrett A. Johnson (2023) Inferno: A guide to field experiments in online display advertisingJournal of Economics & Management Strategy, 32(3): 469-490 (requested & peer-reviewed submission). [Lead Article]

Garrett A. Johnson, Julian Runge, and Eric B. Seufert (2022) “Privacy-Centric Digital Advertising: Implications for ResearchCustomer Needs and Solutions, 9(1): 49-54 (“Perspectives” article).

Garrett A. Johnson, Scott K. Shriver, and Shaoyin Du (2020) “Consumer privacy choice in online advertising: Who opts out and at what cost to industry?” Marketing Science, 39(1): 33-51 (special issue on “Consumer Protection”).

Dean Eckles, Brett R. Gordon, and Garrett A. Johnson (2018) “LETTER: Field studies of psychologically targeted ads face threats to internal validityProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Garrett A. Johnson, Randall A. Lewis, Elmar I. Nubbemeyer (2017) Ghost Ads: Improving the Economics of Measuring Online Ad Effectiveness Journal of Marketing Research, 54(6): 867-884.

Garrett A. Johnson, Randall A. Lewis, David H. Reiley (2017) When Less is More: Data and Power in Advertising Experiments Marketing Science, 36(1): 43-53.

Working Papers

COPPAcalypse? The YouTube settlement’s impact on kids content with Tesary Lin, James Cooper, & Liang Zhong

Privacy-Enhanced versus Traditional Retargeting: Ad Effectiveness in an Industry-Wide Field Experiment with Shunto Kobayashi & Zhengrong Gu

The Online Display Ad Effectiveness Funnel & Carryover: Lessons from 432 Field Experiments with Randall Lewis and Elmar Nubbemeyer

The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Privacy Regulation for Consumer Marketing with JP Dubé et al.

Cost Per Incremental Action: Efficient Pricing of Advertising with Randall Lewis

Location, Location, Location: Repetition and Proximity Increase Advertising Effectiveness with Randall Lewis and David Reiley

  • Note: Experiment’s overall treatment effect results released as “When Less is More”

The Impact of Privacy Policy on the Auction Market for Online Display Advertising

  • Best Rising Star Paper, International Industrial Organization Conference (2013)

Great and Small Walls of China: Distance & Chinese E-Commerce with Liang Chen and Yao Luo

  • NET Institute Working Paper Series

Research resources

Research links: SSRN, Google Scholar

Research advice for PhD students (tweet)

Other media mentions: De Correspondent (English/Dutch, Ycombinator), BU TodayQuestrom MagazineKellogg Insights, Fortune, AdExchanger (2), New York Times, Investor Place, AdMonsters (2, 3), Hartford Courant, Boston Globe, EUROATIV (FR/EN), BU Hariri, Bloomberg Opinion, Mobile Dev Memo podcast (2), RTB House, ID5 Identity 2023, Boston Business Journal (+ podcast), Reddit AMA (BU summary), AdExchanger The Big Story podcast, BU The Brink (+ Futurity), Marketplace (2, 3), Marketplace TechMarketplace Morning Report, HBR Ideacast, Fast Company, AdTechRadar

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